
 My mind is racing as I wake up… already feeling “late” for the day. The waterfall of “to dos” race through my mind and I am definitely not savoring the moment. I remember my “One Little Word”: sacred and take a breath. Breathing in, I whisper “slow” to myself. Breathing out, I settle and ground in my body. I reach for the baked new potato that I am cutting up for my lunch. I SLOWLY cut the potato…repeating sacred…slow…sacred…slow…resting in this moment. I slice it with focus. I slice it with appreciation. I am beginning to slow the waterfall of thoughts and remembering that life is one small sacred step after another. Slowing. Returning. Savoring. Remembering.


  1. The waterfall image at the beginning and the end is perfect. It's rushing and loud at the onset of the piece and it's a smaller, more flowing and peaceful waterfall at the end as you connect with your OLW sacred and calm your way into your day.

  2. I love how you took us from racing to slowly focusing on the sacred in this slice. I created a mnemonic to help me remember your mantra: One small sacred step after another (SRSR) Slowly. Returning.Savoring.Remembering. Your slice made me feel peace.

  3. I felt my own breathing slow as I read this. What a lovely one little word.


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